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A Chapter of the Spiritual Naturalist Society

The Spiritual Naturalists of Houston is a local chapter of the Spiritual Naturalist Society (SNS) - a national/international non-profit organization dedicated to spreading awareness of Spiritual Naturalism and supporting SN community. SNS publishes new articles weekly with its own staff of writers in many different traditions. It also hosts a podcast, course, and many educational resources. Please click here to visit SNS and become a member of the national group!

“Spiritual Naturalism has been described as ‘science with awe’, but a true spirituality has to be more than that. Awe and wonder are important parts of spirituality. They inspire us to undertake the journey, but they are only the ‘window dressing’ of spiritual naturalism. A robust spiritual path will have the natural world revealed by science as its worldview, but it will also consist of a set of profound perspectives and wise values. It will include specific contemplative practices designed to instill that philosophy into our intuitive way of being. It will be a lifestyle that allows us to make progress. This progress will be a steady and measurable cultivation of a character that is more enlightened, more in tune with the way of the universe, more virtuous, more compassionate; and therefore more capable of experiencing the flourishing, good life. This is nothing less than a path to freedom – freedom from fear and from the bonds of circumstance as a condition for happiness.”

–Rev. Daniel Strain, SNS Executive Director

All content (c) Copyright Spiritual Naturalists of Houston unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. Photo: (cc) Katie Haugland Bowen.

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